Top 5 Business Intelligence Tools for Embedded Map Visualizations (Plus 1 Bonus Option)
These five business intelligence tools are great in embedded map visualizations, and read more for the bonus one.
How Much Does Business Dashboard Software Cost?
{Updated Jan 2018} Although vendors dread it and many salespeople dodge it, one of the first questions an organization will have when starting to investigate dashboard software is a natural and obvious one: “How much will this business dashboard software actually cost us?” Like it or not, pricing remains at the top of most…
How Much Does Self-Service, Agile BI Software Cost?
At 5000fish, we believe in the power of self-service, agile BI and want people to be fully educated before purchasing a solution. This is not only beneficial to customers, but to the BI industry as a whole because educated buyers will make smarter purchasing decisions, which will leader to higher BI adoption rates. The self-service…