What You Need to Know About Yurbi’s Data Filtering Enhancements
Oftentimes when you pull and analyze business intelligence reports, you have a very specific question in mind that need to be answered. If your company doesn’t use an agile business intelligence tool like Yurbi, it probably means you must reach out to your team’s report writer for each of these questions so that the report writer can pull the data and create a new report.
But what if you need answers now? When you have to go through a technical intermediary on your team, you most likely won’t get the answers you need right when you need them. This is why we provide our business users with an agile, self-service BI tool that includes dynamic data filters. Data filters allow our end users to get answers to their specific questions on their own, quickly.
And as of Yurbi v10.2, we have enhanced the data filter features on our report details screen with two updates. Here’s what you need to know:
Update 1: You can now select multiple data filters.
This feature allows you to narrow down your data into even smaller sample sizes via a pick-list filtering system, similar to the filter style used in Microsoft Excel.
For example, you can select the “Client General Inquiry” filter and the “In Progress” filter to find the client inquiries that are still in progress, versus scrolling through the client inquiries and finding those that are labeled “In Progress.”
By using multiple data filters, business users can find the precise data they need to answer the questions they are asking.
Update 2: You can now change your filter styles.
The pick-list style of filtering isn’t always the best for narrowing down certain data, especially when choosing date ranges or data with similar number tags. That’s why we included a toggle filter option that allows users to select a Boolean expression building filter that works better with number values and dates.
For example, if you need to look at data from a specific date range, the Boolean expression building filter will provide a calendar filter where a user can select a specific date range.
At the same time in a different column, users can narrow down data numerically via another Boolean expression building filter that allows users to select options such as “include” and a field to type in number values.
This type of filtering is possible because we include a lot of intelligence within the data sets our users are working with that allows Yurbi to know how to filter certain data sets.
Our data filtering capabilities and our data filtering updates put the report query power back in the hands of the business user without the need to involve IT or another technical intermediary. That means faster analyses and faster answers that are more specific and relevant to the questions you, the business user, are asking.
Want to learn more about this new feature? Contact our support team for more information.