Connect Yurbi to SAP HANA for real-time access to your in-memory database, enabling the creation of detailed reports and interactive dashboards from your data at lightning speed.
Integrate our white-label analytics solution with your product for improved cost-effective data insights. Save time and resources utilizing our customizable dashboards, reports, and drill-down capabilities.
Connect Yurbi to SAP HANA for real-time access to your in-memory database, enabling the creation of detailed reports and interactive dashboards from your data at lightning speed.
Connect Yurbi to Apache Cassandra for seamless access to your NoSQL database, enabling real-time reporting and interactive dashboards from your large-scale distributed data.
Connect Yurbi to Teradata for seamless access to your data warehouse, enabling real-time reporting and interactive dashboards from your large-scale enterprise data.
Connect Yurbi to Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise for seamless access to your enterprise database, enabling real-time reporting and interactive dashboards from your critical business data.
Connect Yurbi to Pervasive PSQL for efficient access to your relational database, enabling real-time reporting and interactive dashboards from your business-critical data.
No pushy sales calls or hidden fees – just flexible demo options and
transparent pricing.