Everything You Need to Know About Amazon Athena
Amazon Athena proves to be a powerhouse in many businesses, and its benefits truly outweigh the disadvantages. Read more.
Top 5 Embedded Analytics Tools for Amazon Redshift (Plus 1 Bonus Option)
Amazon Redshift can be a very valuable tool for your business, so you need the best tools for a great embedded analytics experience. Read more here.
Straight Talk Review: Segment vs Stitch Data vs Panoply; What’s the Difference?
Since we work with clients all the time that have data spread over many different locations, we keep an eye on some of the best options available in the data warehousing marketplace and in this article, we’ll talk about 3 of them, Segment, Stitch, and Panoply.
Amazon Redshift vs RDS: What’s the Difference?
We have years of experience with our OEM/White Label partners who use AWS as their cloud services platform and a common question we get is “Does Yurbi report on RDS and/or Redshift?” You will be happy to know that the answer is yes.
“Done For You” Yurbi Server Hosting (When You Need Cloud Based BI)
Yurbi is on-premise software that offers secure data access, installed behind your business firewall. If, however, you’re one of the many small businesses that doesn’t want to purchase or maintain a Windows server, we can provide server hosting of Yurbi for you and do all of the maintenance ourselves.